Friday, August 12, 2011

The pause that refreshes

Does he really think it's that easy?

I'm on my way to my annual music and dance immersion.
Playing music,
hanging out,
living in a cabin with 15 other people...

He says it's good to cleanse the palate occasionally.
He says I should concentrate on my artistic endeavours.
He says it would be good to clear my mid of thoughts of him

He really thinks I will?

I'll be like a kid at an artsy summer camp.

"Listen, Daddy!
Listen to what I learned to play today!
Isn't this a beautiful tune?
Look at our beautiful cabin!
Taste this delicious food!
Look at how I'm glowing because I'm so happy.
Listen in on my mind, Daddy!
Hear how I never stop thinking of you."

I won't try hard to avoid thinking about him.
But I'll take it as absolution in advance for focusing on other things.

I had hoped to schedule a few other posts for while I'm gone, including my very happy review of my latest toy. But that will just have to wait until I get back. Meanwhile, go delve into the archives, or re-read some of your favorite posts, until one day I pop up smiling again.

Have a good week, you guys.

As for me,
this night on my own in a hotel in Scranton,
I have permission to masturbate.
I only hope I don't fall asleep first...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A little late but hope you are having tons of fun!