Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"I want my whore!"

He came at lunch.
He was not expected.
He was very hungry.

He ordered me to the dungeon.
He shoved me into the wall.
He pushed me down on the ground.
He threw his body on mine.

He was very insistent.
He was very hungry.
He was very fierce.
He was very wild.

He came
at lunch.

I am happy.
I am his whore.
And I smelled him on me for the rest of the afternoon.


mina said...

mmm that makes for a very very nice lunch!

nbs said...

wonderful to be his whore..enjoy every scent and second~

oatmeal girl said...

Actually, mina, I didn't get a whole lot of lunch - I was only half-way through when he texted that he was on his way.

nancy - yes. Wonderful

Paul said...

OG, that sounds very good for both of you.
Love and warm hugs,

mamacrow said...

oooo! 'I want my whore!'

cooooool :)

oatmeal girl said...

Paul - it was in fact very good for both of us. Very rough and very good. I like the rough, and feeling the intensity of his need.

mamacrow - when he said that... well, you can just imagine the feelings that went through me. Damn.