Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Grief and gratitude

Thanksgiving usually means a lot of traveling to be with family - whom I don't see very often as much by my own choice as anything else. For the last couple of years it has meant a long drive north on the Thursday and a return trip on Saturday, back to the friends who are my family of choice.

My aunt died this morning.
I loved her.
We've canceled Thanksgiving.

Instead there will be a shorter drive, a Sunday funeral, and a different sort of family gathering.

I think of the people who are dear to me. I think of my Master, with whom I will have minimal e-mail contact over the next few days, if any. I am very grateful for all those who know me and love me for who I am. And for the one who has seen into me deeper than has any other, and has taken who and what I already was and freed me to fly and to yield, I am grateful most of all.


L. said...


I'm really, really sorry to hear this, OG. You and your family are in my thoughts.

Take care of yourself.

Aeon's Angel said...

I am so sorry for your loss. There are no words that I could write to take away your pain. Please know that you and yours are in my thoughts and my prayers.

weirdgirl said...

deepest condolences OG,

take care and be well

Florida Dom said...

So sorry for your loss. It's difficult to deal with at any time, but especially during the holiday season.

And your comment on my blog about treasuring those you love while they're still with you was so touching and yet so true.

This is a time for cyber hugs and much empathy. You are certainly in our thoughts at this difficult time.


Paul said...

OG, you are in my thoughts, I lost most of those that I love at this time of year.
Take care of yourself, you also are very much loved for who you are.
Love and warm hugs,

nbs said...

OG, I am so very sorry for your loss. There are no words to help, just know there are hugs and shoulders to lean on if needed.
Travel safely and do take good care of yourself.

mamacrow said...

when you mentioned grief in your last post, i wondered...

I'm so sorry OG, (((HUGS))) prayers and blessings to you all xxx

littlegirl said...

may you and your family have a peaceful holiday. i'm so sorry for your loss. sending you e-chicken soup and shivah visits :)

Anonymous said...

My prayers. Mourning and thanksgiving have so much in common.

...and may the high peacemaker extend that peace unto us and all beings; amen.

oatmeal girl said...

Isn't it odd, and yet not at all, how hugged I felt as these messages of support floated in one at a time from people I don't know outside of this virtual village.

Thank you so much to you all.

The family won't be sitting shiva per se, but I will get to say Kaddish this Friday night.

Orlando yes, exactly... the kinship between mourning and thanksgiving...

As for the great peacemaker... is it too horribly sacrilegious to say that thinking of being wrapped in that peace slides into the comfort and safety of my Master's ownership.

Again, thank you to each and every one of you.

mamacrow said...

lol, of course it isn't sacraligious! that's lke saying God/the devine/the great peacemaker is only in apple pie and 'wholesome' things... 'wholesome' being entirely a human construct and definition (imho)

Anonymous said...

So much love to you, OG. Peace indeed.


Anonymous said...

Here's a belated hug to og.
